The Best CRM and DMS System Is
The One That Works
On their own, each one of our channels are best in class. When combined, they provide an operational efficiency never experienced in the automotive or RV retail industries.
Our cloud based platform allows you and your employees remote access from virtually anywhere.
Mobile App
Driver’s License and VIN scanning allow your team to immediately capture customer data and begin the purchase experience from anywhere at your dealership
Call, Text, and Email tracking and recording directly from your mobile device
Custom push notifications notify your team when a new lead comes in, a task is assigned to them, and many more
Task management enables your team to view, manage, and complete their tasks remotely
Remote inventory management allow your team to quickly identify 2nd test drive vehicles from your lot
CRM & Dealer Dashboard
Automatically enters and loads your digital retail leads into your CRM
In store, Remote, and Internet lead designations allow your team to separately organize and manage leads depending on the lead type and status.
Sales status management provides easy to see icons identifying what primary sales steps have been completed on any lead
Click to call, text messaging, and email tracking, management, and recording
Customized automated tasks and appointment settings give you the flexibility to create your own follow up and sales process
Instantly view all communication and notes from any lead directly from your main leads page
View all communication, tasks, and quotes, including profit gain or loss, that have been generated on a lead
Enterprise calendar allows users to plan appointments, tasks, and deliveries to maximize your store’s time
Easily track marketing and lead sources
Desking & Quoting Engine
Easy to use quoting tool allows for presentation of up to 27 payment structures
State of the art quoting engine ensures the most accurate finance and lease payments in the industry
Profit center quickly shows both front and back end profit for any selected payment
Integrated NADA retail and trade LTV guide so you know exactly where your deal structure is all times
Compare Loan, Lease, Balloon, and Cash options on a single worksheet
Customer dealership VIP program embedded into every worksheet because there’s more to a car deal than just the payment
Seamlessly transition your customer’s exact deal structure into your finance dashboard with one click
Access to all OEM incentive, rate, and residual data allows for comprehensive deal management
Finance Dashboard & CRM
Exact same deal structure is passed from your quoting tool, eliminating redundancy and allowing for the printing of all delivery paperwork from one source and with one click.
Time stamped deliveries allow you to see when a deal was sent to finance down to the second
Provides management team 360 degree view of the F&I department, finance numbers, and deal flow
Dashboard view shows deals that are currently in finance for delivery, scheduled, or have been delivered for the day.
Industry’s first true F&I CRM that helps manage your finance team’s tasks, follow up, and delivery schedules
Easy to use tablet and laptop interfaces enable a fast and seamless remote delivery option.
F&I Menu
Integrated finance menu within the F&I deal allows your team to rate, menu, and contract without ever changing screens
One-click menu loading, rating, and contracting supercharges your delivery process
The most user-friendly menu system on the market
Flexible presentation options let you customize the menu presentation, whether you prefer a traditional four column menu or a more progressive single column option, we have you covered.
Digital retail support as the customer’s package selection instantly updates the deal structure and forms, allowing for completely remote deliveries.
PEN integration means we have access to the most robust network of F&I providers in the industry
Customized Reporting
Create customized, dealer specific reports on virtually any KPI
Quickly view in depth sales and F&I numbers by department and individual salesperson or manager
Analyze YoY and MoM trends per department
View and track marketing and lead source breakdowns
In depth marketing ROI reporting that gives you actionable data from your marketing and lead sources and their gross profit and sales volume return.
Tasks management reporting gives your management team a quick birds eye view of your teams current, upcoming, and past due tasks.
List to Book reporting based off NADA retail or trade gives your sales and finance team additional support when working call backs from your lenders.
Quickly filter inventory based on price, year, make, model and color.
Days in stock view allows your team to quickly view inventory based on days in stock and prioritize moving specific inventory off your lot
Access to most OEM build data provides easy to view equipment options and incentive data
Comprehensive inventory management and syndication to any website provider including Facebook and Craiglist